The Golay cell is a type
of opto-acoustic detector mainly used for infrared spectroscopy. It consists of a
gas-filled enclosure with aninfrared absorbing
material and a flexible diaphragm or membrane. When infrared radiation
is absorbed, it heats the gas, causing it to expand. The resulting increase in pressure deforms the membrane. Light reflected
off the membrane is detected by a photodiode,
and motion of the membrane produces a change in the signal on the photodiode.
The concept was originally described by Marcel J. E. Golay,[2] after whom it came to be named.
Golay cell has high sensitivity and a flat response over a very broad range of
frequencies. The response time is modest, of order 10 ms. The detector
performance is degraded in the presence of mechanical vibrations.
Golay Cell GC-1P
Cell is one of the most efficient detecting devices. It has excellent
sensitivity at room temperature and flat optical response over a wide
wavelength range.
detectors are manufactured in-house and calibrated individually. Delivery
includes a detector head and a power supply unit. A mount for the filters can
be supplied as an option.
THz optical components such as low pass filters, polyethylene polarizers as
well as windows, lenses, and beamsplitters from HRFZ-Si and TPX can be supplied
as a useful complement for THz applications.
transforming an analog signal of Golay cell to a digital signal we can
offer hardware-software complex. It is served for detecting,
processing, and analyzing optoacousticaldetector signals. The complex consists
of a specialized software and an electronic unit connecting Golay
detector with personal computer through USB interface.
and control of MIR and THz radiation.
Technical specification:
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